Luminopia Inc.

Healthcare Professionals

Designed to be simple for you, engaging for your patients, and effective in improving vision.

The Only Dual-Acting Therapy For Your Patients

Luminopia is the first FDA Approved* binocular amblyopia therapy for children aged 4-7. Our proprietary software uses a novel dual-action mechanism taking the content, modifying it in real-time, and presenting it differently to each eye to rebalance the input to the brain.


Stronger eye contrast reduction overcomes suppression to prioritize the amblyopic eye

Dichoptic masking removes parts of each eye’s image, teaching the brain to combine input from both eyes

How luminopia works

Simple. Engaging. Effective.

Luminopia allows patients to watch TV for 1 hr per day, 6 days per week instead of wearing an eye-patch. Unlike patching and atropine, which just penalize the strong eye, Luminopia teaches patients to use both eyes together in a truly binocular manner.

The software has over 700 hours of popular kids TV shows and movies including Sesame Street, SpongeBob, Wild Kratts, and more. Kid Friendly VR headsets are used to display the content, keeping the patients engaged throughout treatment. Treatment is delivered at home, in a controlled environment with no distractions. Images within the headset are also projected at optical infinity, so there's no need to worry about near stimuli.

Luminopia is available today by prescription only, through PhilRx Pharmacy.


Efficacy and Safety Demonstrated Across 3 Trials, at 23 Sites in Over 200 Patients

1.8 Lines Gained in Just 3 Months

62% of patients gained 2 or more lines

Prior Treated Patients Benefit from Luminopia

84% of Luminopia patients had prior therapy beyond glasses


There were no serious adverse events reported in the Luminopia pivotal trial. Ocular AEs were reported in 6 (11%) patients in the treatment group and 8 (14%) patients in the control group. The most frequent non-serious non-ocular AE potentially related to Luminopia was headache in 8 (14%) patients, for which all cases were graded as mild, transient, and resolved without sequelae.

For full safety table see Clinical Data page.

View All Luminopia Clinical Data

Getting Started


How To Prescribe and Monitor Patients

Key information to include in the Rx and links to helpful resources.


Order a Starter Kit

Get all the materials you'll need to begin prescribing Luminopia.


Prescribing & Coding Reference


Electronic Enrollment Forms


Patient Education Video

Luminopia Adherence Portal


Appeal a denial for a specific patient with this template


Ask health plans to cover Luminopia with this template


our scientific advisors

The underlying science behind Luminopia was developed in collaboration with several Key Opinion Leaders across pediatric ophthalmology and neuroscience.


David Hunter, MD, PhD

Ophthalmologist-in-Chief; Richard Robb Chair in Ophthalmology

Boston Children's Hospital


Gil Binenbaum, MD, MSCE

Chief of the Division of Ophthalmology

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia


Eric Gaier, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology

Harvard Medical School


Mark Bear, PhD

Picower Professor of Neuroscience

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Indications, Safety and Warnings


Luminopia is a software-only digital therapeutic designed to be used with commercially available Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) which are compatible with the software application. Luminopia is indicated for improvement in visual acuity in amblyopia patients, aged 4-7, associated with anisometropia and/or with mild strabismus, having received treatment instructions (frequency and duration) as prescribed by a trained eye-care professional. Luminopia is intended for both previously treated and untreated patients; however, patients with more than 12 months of prior treatment (other than refractive correction) have not been studied. Luminopia is intended to be used as an adjunct to full-time refractive correction, such as glasses, which should also be worn under the HMD during Luminopia therapy. Luminopia is intended for Prescription Use Only, in an at-home environment.


In the Luminopia pivotal trial, 14 patients (25%) experienced adverse events in the treatment group vs. 8 (14%) in the control group. Ocular AEs were reported in 6 (11%) patients in the treatment group and 8 (14%) patients in the control. No serious adverse events (AEs) were reported. The most frequent non-serious AE potentially related to Luminopia was headache (14.3%), for which all cases were graded as mild, transient, and resolved without sequelae.


Rx only: Federal law restricts this device on the order of a trained eye-care professional.

Safety and effectiveness of Luminopia beyond 12 weeks is unknown. The long-term effects of HMD use in patients 4-7 years of age are unknown. Patients with a history of light-induced seizures, or serious medical conditions, should contact a doctor before using Luminopia. Patients should only use Luminopia while wearing their prescribed glasses under the HMD. Patients should stop using Luminopia and contact a doctor if they experience a new or worsened eye-turn, or double vision. Patients with an interpupillary distance of less than 52 mm should not use Luminopia.

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